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A place for you to belong.
We are a family of believers who love God and love people.
The Warehouse Church is a Bible-based, evangelistic, Holy Spirit-empowered church founded in 2002 by Robbie & Donna Howells with a vision to reach the lost, equipp the found and love unconditionally.
The heartbeat of God is people, and His desire is that none should perish but that all have eternal life. Equipping people in the word is also a passion at TWC. Knowledge of scripture causes people to grow spiritually and that is one of the mandates God has charged us with in this end time age. Loving people unconditionally is one of the ways we express our love for Him and we do that by helping each person who comes to The Warehouse Church grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Want to find out more about The Warehouse Church? Get in touch!
reach + Equip + Love
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